"Pros: - the apartment is quite big
- very large bathroom
- external electric shutters
- a grocery store nearby
Cons: - the apartment is located next to a noisy street where trucks often pass
- at check-in we were greeted by a bad smell, probably because it had been smoked before. I solved it with a room freshener
- in the kitchen the cleaning was done superficially
- there were no large bath towels, there were only small towels
- the beds only had jersey covers without cotton sheets
- the matrimonial bed was 140 cm wide
- lack of AC, the apartment on the top floor was very hot during the day
- we had problems due to the lack of mosquito nets on the windows
- large but old TV with very slow software" ~Corneliu
"Pros: Check-in with lock-box was convenient. Apartment was spacious, tv, wifi worked. Kitchen was equipped to make some meals. Parking is available near the building. It is a good value to stay during the travel.
Cons: Cigarette smoke smell in the room. The hot water comes from the gas heater that is warming up the water when the water runs, as result it is necessary to wait for the water to warm up." ~Yuriy
{{if isRestricted}}
No free of charge cancellation
Free of charge cancellation
{{if !breakfastIncluded}}
No breakfast {{else}}
Breakfast included {{/if}}
Witaj w Ama-Molto - miejscu stworzonym z pasji do życia i podróży.
Zainspirowani włoskim dolce vita zachęcamy Cię do zatrzymania się z dala od miejskiego zgiełku, gdzie czas upływa wolno i spokojnie, a każdy szczegół zaprasza do podróży ku beztrosce.
Zainspiruj się i Ty – do radości z prostych rzeczy i celebrowania życia w obecności tych, których kochasz.
AmaMolto to odzwierciedlenie włoskiego uroku, prostoty i przyjemności czerpanej z upływającej właśnie chwili.
Pragniemy, aby nasza mała oaza spokoju sprawiała, że każdy dzień stanie się dla Ciebie okazją do świętowania życia. Dlatego nasze apartamenty wyposażyliśmy w detale, które pozwalają oderwać się od codzienności i przenieść w świat błogiego odpoczynku.
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